If you want to get the benchmarks of that upcoming DtC research you need to be a winery and participate in the survey when it comes out. If that's of interest, please email me and I will get you on that survey list. (rmcmillan@svb.com)
On to the questions:
9:59 AM Damon: Will they touch on OR/WA acreage as well? ~15% of total domestic market
% Damon – It’s always a struggle to talk about everything and all regions. In the hour we try and cover top level issues impacting the business. The news for the PNW is good in that the industry, now looking for great vineyards at more reasonable prices, has ‘discovered’ Oregon and Washington and more and more PNW wine will start showing up on kitchen tables going forward.
10:03 AM sdb: the generational survey data is sourced by who is making DtC purchases. Is it projectable to traditional off premise retail?
% Ed – Nielsen and IRI can’t track the data with scan because it’s too small a segment. We’ve been able to come up with some analytics through survey. That information was returned to the survey participants in early December and I’ve referenced some within the State of the Industry Report. The information is only sent back to those who participate in the SVB research study. For those who want to be included next time, please send me an email: rmcmillan@svb.com
10:10 AM winestudies: Speakers, could you drill down to a few of the high growth lifestyle segments, rather than just assuming that all cohorts within an age bracket behave the same? For example, Women Golfers was a hot topic.
10:10 AM alismithstory: GenX is almost always skipped over bc the big winery focus on Mils...GenXers are here and buying quality/premium wines.
% AliSmithStory – I agree. Gen X are the big growth area. As I’ve said consistently, it’s really the 35 – 55 cohort that matters with retail, no matter what demographers call it. Today that group is Gen X, though Boomers with all the wealth can’t be ignored.
10:13 AM creber: SVBRob: How and who defines quality? By scores? By lack of flaws? By terroir? Very tricky question. Trade & consumers don't seem to be in sync on this.